Family Learning - helping parents to help children learn

Welcome to Family Learning

Family learning - playing and learning together

All parents want their children to do well at school and to succeed. However, many simply don't know where to start. Everything seems to have changed since your own schooldays, and you don't want to confuse your children by using different methods to their teacher. Family Learning can help.

What is family learning?

Family learning classes are run in many schools in the UK. They give parents and carers the opportunity to find out how things are taught in their own child's school, as well as a chance to share ideas with other parents and develop their own skills. This family learning website should hopefully provide a useful resource for family learning tutors to use in a class, as well as giving parents who are unable to attend a course the chance to find out how they can help their child.

Here you will find lots of information and links to useful resources to explain various aspects of the UK school curriculum, and how you can help your child to learn without causing confusion.

If reading methods are a mystery to you, visit the reading pages to find up-to-date printable resources, online games and activities to help children learn to read. The phonics and sight word games on this site will help support children following the Letters and Sounds phonics programme.

Explore the site and you will find activities on healthy living, including online games which help educate children on how to stay safe on the roads and at home.

All the games and activities on the site are designed to help children (and parents) learn while having fun.

Family Learning Courses

If you are a parent interested in family learning classes, try contacting your child's school or Children's Centre to ask whether they run them or would consider starting a course.

Headteachers who would like to arrange a family learning course in their own school should contact their Local Authority to find out about funding. Many LAs provide their own family learning courses, while others are organised by further education colleges.

Linkpen fonts - handwriting fonts for UK schools

If you would like to help your child to develop their handwriting skills, visit Linkpen school handwriting fonts. The site provides free handwriting worksheets and affordable fonts to match UK school handwriting styles which you can install on your own computer.

Family Learning Recommendations:

ClickNRead and ClickNSpell - enter Phonics10 for 10% discount!