Safety Games
These free online safety games will help children and families to learn about
keeping safe at home and while out and about. There are games on food safety and hygiene, road safety, fire safety,
fireworks, hazards in the home and much more.
Follow the links in the below to find safety games for kids on different topics.
Food Games
These free online food games will help children and families to learn about kitchen hygiene and food
Road Safety Games
These road safety games will help children and families to learn about the Green Cross Code and how to
stay safe when out and about, whether walking, cycling or travelling in a car.
Safety in the Home
Activities, games and resources for children, all about safety in the home, including fire safety.
Firework Safety
Learn all about firework safety with these games and activities for children.
Internet Safety
Learn about internet safety - interactive resources for parents and activities on internet safety for
kids. Advice and internet safety tips to help keep your child safe online.
Safety Resources
